First Thursday of every month!
Make your student loan go a bit further with Trago! On the first Thursday of every month we make it even cheaper for students to get their supplies at Trago! Just bring your Student ID and we’ll take an extra 10% off all marked prices when you get to the till!
So, if you’re shopping for art supplies, a new kettle & toaster or maybe everything you need for festival camping? Whatever you want, there’s 10% off every Students’ Day at Trago!
PLUS, we extend the 10% off discount to all Trago Cafés, tea rooms, restaurants and coffee shops! So, stay for a lunch or coffee & cake!
And if you haven’t joined our TRAGO VIP CLUB yet then do it today! Then you can have a free cuppa every week at Trago and loads more! Just click here and register FREE OF CHARGE!
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![Newton Abbot](
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